Arno atoll


Where is ARNO ATOLL About 22km east of the capital Majuro, we can reach there 40-50 minutes by boat depends on the sea conditions. It is the closest of the 29 atolls within the Marshall Islands. The island is surrounded by a beautiful sea with very clear water, as the simple local way of life …



WOTJE ATOLL Lagoon area: 241.06 square miles Land area: 3.16 square miles Population: about 860 Households: ? You can reach Wotje Atoll by domestic “Air Marshall Islands”.   Landscape Even if there is no special tour, you can feel the war situation at that time just by walking. And most of all, beautiful beaches will …



EASY WRECK DIVE AT FRONT OF MIR The huge fishing vessel “Ocean Glory” is sinking at bottom 75 ft front of Hotel Marshall Islands Resort. It is a famous wreckage ship in Majuro. You can reach there about 5 min by snorkeling or diving from the hotel dock. Unfortunately, Invisible from the water because of low transparency. often, …

Raycrew, Majuro Marshall Islands, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, Photo works, Charter boat, Marine survey, Hotel, Restaurant Information, レイクルー・マーシャル諸島・マジュロ環礁


WRECK HELICOPTER IN MAJURO The Bell UH-1 Iroquois (nicknamed “Huey“) is a utility military helicopter powered by a single turboshaft engine, with two-blade main and tail rotors. The first member of the prolific Huey family, it was developed by Bell Helicopter to meet a United States Army’s 1952 requirement for a medical evacuation and utility helicopter, and first flew in 1956. The UH-1 was the first turbine-powered helicopter …

Raycrew, Majuro Marshall Islands, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, Photo works, Charter boat, Marine survey, Hotel, Restaurant Information, レイクルー・マーシャル諸島・マジュロ環礁


CORAL BLEACHING at MARSHALL ISLANDS Coral bleaching occurs when coral polyps expel algae (Zooxanthellae) that live inside their tissues. … Bleached corals continue to live but begin to starve after bleaching. Some corals recover. When algae begin to attach to corals, the chances of reviving are low. Above-average sea water temperatures caused by global warming is …

Raycrew, Majuro Marshall Islands, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, Photo works, Charter boat, Marine survey, Hotel, Restaurant Information, レイクルー・マーシャル諸島・マジュロ環礁

B-24 Heavy Bomber

B-24 OF WWII AT MAJURO ATOLL The Laura B-24 Crash site is the remains of an American B-24 Heavy Bomber that made an emergency landing on the shallow reef at Majuro Atoll between the end of Majuro Island, known as Laura, and the Rong Rong chain of islets to the north. The wreckage is in …

Raycrew, Majuro Marshall Islands, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, Photo works, Charter boat, Marine survey, Hotel, Restaurant Information, レイクルー・マーシャル諸島・マジュロ環礁


US MILITARY VEHICLES OF WWII The “Parking Lot” is just one of the dive sites in Majuro where you can feel traces of WWII. The site contains classic Jeeps, fuel trucks, fire engines, tugboat, and more the US Army dumped at the conclusion of WWII. Visibility varies from good to fair due to the dive site’s …

Raycrew, Majuro Marshall Islands, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, Photo works, Charter boat, Marine survey, Hotel, Restaurant Information, レイクルー・マーシャル諸島・マジュロ環礁


UNIQUE SHARK IN MAJURO ATOLL TAWNY NURSE SHARK  (Nebrius ferrugineus) It is known as a particularly quiet shark in the kind of the shark. The tawny nurse shark tends to spend a day on taking a rest under the cave or a coral shelf. At night, it is an active-swimming predator that uses a powerful suction force to extract prey from …

Raycrew, Majuro Marshall Islands, Scuba diving, Snorkeling, Photo works, Charter boat, Marine survey, Hotel, Restaurant Information, レイクルー・マーシャル諸島・マジュロ環礁


SHARK PARADISE Marshall Islands is one of the shark sanctuary. The Marshall Islands followed the example of Palau, creating an even larger sanctuary in 2011, Marshall Islands waters cover 768,547 square miles (1,990,530 Square kilometers), with a full ban on commercial shark fishing. Thereby, we can see a lot of sharks by diving and snorkeling in Marshall Islands. And …